Monday, 1 June 2015

Text spy app : how to tell when your phone has an sms spy app

Probably you have heard of software that spies on phones. This is software that is installed on your phone without your consent or knowledge and is invisible once installed so you cannot know of its existence. It gathers relevant information the one spying on you is interested about and sends it to them discreetly to. Here are pointers that you are you are being spied:
1. Sizzling battery.
Normally a phones battery will get hot as it discharges. When making a phone a call, it gets hotter as phone calls consume more power than usual. With spy software installed in your phone, it will usually run in the background and consume more power than usual hence the battery gets hotter than usual. You probably have a text spy app or viber spy installed on your device without you knowing.
2. Brief battery time
Usually this will be brought about by the above mentioned condition of the phone battery heating up. If you notice your phone battery lifespan is shorter than usual. You should find out if a sms spy app is running on your device, you should also find out if line spy software has also been installed which could be seeping at the power available hence shortening the battery life of your phone.                                                                                                       
3. Belated power-off.
Normally, your phone should power off as per the manufacturer set timing. Suppose you notice that your phone is taking much longer than usual to power off, then there is need for concern as a test spy android app might be the cause of the problem. This may be characterized by a series of flashes or one may think of it as a technical issue. This happens since the app has to close and hence may take more time for the phone to turn off.
4. Odd activities in general
Spy software is engineered to run in the background without detection and usually this feature may cause the phone to start behaving in an unusual way. The phone may start going on or off, restarting all by itself, starting some applications out of nowhere and having flashes which is a strange behavior for a normal phone. This rules the possibility of sms spy android app installed on your device and will be responsible for such queer behavior.
5. Obstruction and poor response
Obstructions are common especially when there is minimal or no network coverage. But if you notice strange sounds emanating from your phone especially when you are near audio speakers such as clicks or hisses or echoes; there may be need for worry especially if the noises persist even if you are in an area of excellent coverage.

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